Tackling Obesity

Junk Food


The number of overweight youngsters has increased dramatically over the last thirty years. Obesity has currently surpassed smoking as a pathological state. If action is not taken,Obesity is probably going to continue throughout lives. We do not want our kids to be having shorter lives than ourselves. After we scrutinize technology, it’s as if it’ll be the opposite. Ones on the improve , and the other is going down hill.
Obesity will bring several issues like Diabetes and Cancer.
So, what steps ought to be taken ? Is Education the solution ?
Parents have to take a look and see that everything we eat has an impact.
Education is a component of the solution, however alot more can be done. A part of the answer for Smoking has been the adding of a tax, which means  higher costs. This could be a deterrent from purchasing some food . Some countries have goals of been smoke-free by an exact date. Sound Optimistic ?  New Zealand goal is to be smoke free by 2025. It seems like a big ask, but smoking continues to decline. We all know that setting goals is the best way to reach targets. More information needs to be in place within the food market and on food packaging. This can lead to better decisions.
At times it looks as if Government is bringing up children, not parents. Parents need to be responsible when feeding their children.  Parents are of course the biggest influence in a  child’s early years. Habits can last a life time.
Children are not as active as they were in the past. Technology has modified the way many spend their time. How much time do your youngsters spend on the computer or with a tablet. Look at activities 30 years ago. Everyone was taking part in a lot more sport and generally just more active. Sport could be made more accessible, fees could be brought down.


Tackling Obesity may begin as early as in the womb.

At what level is the mother-to-be weight at ?
How much weight should she gain throughout gestation ?
Should she be eating additional food for her baby ?
How long should breast feeding last ?

Everyone needs to be eating their fruit and vegetables. How often do you have takeaway’s ?

Advertising is part of the problem. Adverts need to be limited  and also at the right times. In some countries, Alcohol has been taken  away from the television screen. Maybe the same action could be taken for some foods. EG : McDonald’s.

When you see that McDonald’s advert, do you desire a Big-Mac ?

It’s up to individuals to make the right decisions. Are you making the best ones ?


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